3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Home Renovation or Redesign Project

Jackie Barnes
3 min readNov 23, 2020


“Where do I begin?”

As an interior designer, this is by far the most common question I receive. With so much inspiration online, there is an endless flow of ideas for home decorating and renovation. Most ideas will appeal to you and also be advertised as easy DIYs and/or budget-friendly.

Don’t be tempted!

You don’t want your Living Room to turn out like a Pinterest cake on Nailed It. It’s best to start with a plan and clear head. Below, I share some questions you should ask yourself to confidently get the ball rolling on a home renovation or redesign project.


What are your likes and dislikes?

Sometimes clients will say they don’t have a style. I always disagree, and here’s why!

EVERYONE has a style, or in the least, a few preferences as to what appeals to them. Think about your closet; what colors do you feel most comfortable wearing? Use your wardrobe as color palette inspiration. Which people motivate you, and how do they live? Emulate their styles into your space. Do you identify as neat and organized or overflowing with accessories? What type of surroundings make you happy?

The answers to these questions are very personal, and if applied to the decision making process of what to include in your space, it will reflect your unique style.


How much time, energy, and money are you willing to spend right now?

Renovation and redesign take investment in the trifecta of time, energy, and money. If the answer to this money question is “not much,” perhaps you should only make a few minor adjustments to your space.

Change can be emotionally taxing as well as financially draining. Take it one space at a time, even if your overall objective is to renovate a large area of your home.

Make a list of the items and architectural features in the room that you appreciate most (and highlight them!) as well as the aspects you would like to change. Managing the project in small bits can be less stressful and immediately gratifying!


What is your overall plan?

You wouldn’t aimlessly begin a road trip without a map, a destination in mind, or some sort of reservations lined up… Right? (If so, have fun and be sure to keep AAA on speed dial).

Having a well-considered plan in your back pocket when you walk into a furniture and decor store or your favorite online shopping site, will make you less likely to hastily purchase and/or become overwhelmed by the project. You will know exactly what you’re looking for rather than scrambling to construct a plan last minute. Take the first two questions mentioned above to formulate exactly what you would like to change and how you would like to change it.

In the coming weeks I will be breaking down each of these phases into greater detail and virtually walk you through the mental preparation of redesigning your space. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, check out my comprehensive instructional handbook, THE REAL TRUTHS ABOUT TIMELINES AND BUDGETS GUIDE, for a more in-depth look into the planning process.

Read more on our website.



Jackie Barnes

The design of our home directly impacts our daily life and the interactions we have with one another. Let’s be kinder to each other by making pretty spaces.